Just as it is important to get a medical check-up from time to time, it is equally important to measure your financial health from time to time. To take stock of the financial decisions you have made over time and measure the state of your finances. Measuring your financial health helps you to as..
When you have come up with as many ideas as possible, it is important that you and your team use similar disciplined approaches to refine and select the most appropriate ideas and transform them into implementable solutions. The following tools can help you to achieve this…
Whether you like it or not, remuneration plays an important part in employee motivation and productivity. Your ability to attract and retain the right employees will depend on the remuneration and rewards that your organization provides. Remuneration like all forms of motivation helps to get the ..
Many people fail to plan their finances because of some psychological blocks that they have regarding financial planning. It is important that we all are aware of these myths and confront them head-long so that we can chart a course for a better financial future. These myths once overcome will po..