We all agree that building a culture of service in any organization is easily the most potent strategic focus that any organization can have. It guarantees you a never-ending pipeline of opportunities from existing and prospective customers that will keep the cash machine ringing all year round, ..
You will no doubt agree that writing skills are perhaps the most sought-after and scarce professional skills in the workplace today. In our knowledge economy, professionals need to be able ...
The lockdown has had an immeasurable impact on our lives, work, businesses and communities. It has also made it even more difficult for us to make what seemed like simple decisions - when to go out? what to do when we are outside?
What makes a decision a good one or a bad one, and what does it really takes to make better decisions? Decision making depend on the many different ways of looking at a situation (frames). In reality, we all have different frames when we are faced with a situation, so how do we use frames to imp..
Financial statements tell the story of your business and by analyzing your financial statements a savvy finance professional can understand how your business makes money, your risks, sources of concern, as well as the right strategies to address deep-rooted business problems. Learn the essentials..
The better your personal brand and image, the better your ability to project and sell your organization’s products and services. Building your personal brand requires you to invest in the following:
A lot of what people do stems from their patterns and culture of thinking. Effective leaders have a culture that shapes their thoughts, words, and actions based on the Leadership DNA – they think and act on the following issues each day:
When properly implemented with the right discipline, budgeting is a very a powerful tool that can support individuals and organizations with meeting financial objectives and income targets while keeping operational and capital expenditure in check. Here are a few important points about budgeting ..
Question Prompts are very effective in asking clarifying questions within your team and establishing a shared understanding of challenges, available opportunities, and possible solutions. This article explains how to use a set of question prompts ...