The age-long debate about nature vs. nurture seems to rear its head everywhere we go, and in the area of public speaking there is a widely held myth about the fact that great public speakers are naturally endowed with the skills, while others are not.
Public speaking and presentation skills represent the most sought-after skills in the workplace today. Many people struggle in this area with a negative impact on their careers and organizations.
The people who are achieved the best results in any profession, vocation or enterprise are those who live an integral life - where there is alignment between their deepest beliefs and values and the actual choices and actions that they take each day.
Mentoring is about giving direction through teaching, guidance and support to other people who want to build the same capabilities or achieve the same goal as you.
As the workplace has evolved from “bosses” in the 1960s and 70s; to “supervisors” in the 1980s and 1990s; “line managers” in the 2000s and you wouldn’t believe this - “coaches” in the last few years, it is critical that organizational leaders prepare adequately for the coaching ..
While one generation of workers (Gen X) often brag about their long and hectic working hours, Gen Y and Z workers often complain about the excessive demands of work that limit their “life”.
One of the biggest impediments to achieving the results that you desire in your team or organization is the culture of blame that is so pervasive in many of our teams and organizations today.
If there is one word that sums up what leaders actually do - it is influencing people - getting people to think and act in a particular direction. This is the whole purpose of leadership: to get people thinking and acting in a particular direction - hopefully, the right direction.